
哥打京那巴魯 (亞庇)
Travel Period / 旅遊日期: 01/10-31/12/2023
Twin Sharing Base 每人佔半房
Package Include 套票包括:
~ 3Nights stay Hotel Accommodation (include Breakfast) 三晚酒店住宿 (包括早餐)
~ Murug Turug Waterfall+Sunset Stand Up Paddle Day Tour or Mantanani Island Snorkeling Day Tour (either choice one)
姆鹿圖鹿瀑布 +日落立式漿板一日遊 或 美人魚島浮潛一日遊 (二選一)
~ Roundtrip transfer between City Hotel and Airport (seat in coach) 機場至城市酒店來回接送 (拼車)
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Terms & Conditions:
- Hotel stay must be completed on or before 31 Dec 2023.
- Room confirmation are subject to availability.
- Price is based on low season for reference only. Supplement will be applied during high season, holidays or event dates. Please contact our staff for enquiry.
- Package is non-endorsable, non-reroutable and non-refundable.
- Prices quoted are per person basis and subject to change without prior notice.
- Insurance surcharge, travel agent service fee and any local government taxes are not included.
- The Travel Industry Authority stamp cost (0.15%) are included.
- Reservation must be made at least 7 working days prior to departure.
- For reservation made within 10 working days prior to departure, are nonrefundable full payment is required.
-酒店住宿必須於 2023 年 12月 31 日或之前完成。
- 所有預訂須視乎酒店情況方能確定。
- 旅遊套餐在任何情況下都不能更改,轉讓或退還款項。
- 費用均以每人計算,費用如有調整,恕不另行通知。
- 費用不包括保險附加費,旅行社服務費及任何當地政府稅項。
- 費用包括旅遊業監管局印花成本(0.15%)
- 所有訂位手續須於出發前不少於7個工作天內辦理。
- 凡於出發前 10 個工作天內辦理預訂手續,須繳付所有款項。已付之費用概不退還。