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     HAPI Travel 將贈送 $100美元給首100名註冊會員!總共將贈送10,000美元!參加活動非常簡單。只需在我們的網站上註冊成為我們的會員。首100名註冊會員將有機會獲取價值$100美元的酒店卡 (My Travel Ventures)!

     $100美元可以用來做什麼?計劃週末度假、享用美味晚餐或為下一次大冒險存錢。可能性是無止境!不要錯過獲得 100 美元的機會。現在註冊成為我們的會員,祝您好運!


     HAPI Travel will give away US$100 to the first 100 registered members! A total of US$10,000 will be given away! Participating in the event is very simple. Just register as our member on our website. The first 100 registered members will have a chance to get a hotel card worth US$100 (My Travel Ventures)!

     What can US$100 be used for? Plan a weekend getaway, enjoy a delicious dinner or save up for your next big adventure. The possibilities are endless! Don't miss your chance to get US$100. Sign up as our member now, good luck!

The promotion will end on July 31, 2023, please register as our member now.
Each person can only apply for one registration. If duplicates are found, we will disqualify the associated registrant. All applications are subject to final review by our company.
申請時間 : 即日至7月31日 (Apply Period : Now to 31 July 2023)
** 名額100,送完即止 / Quota 100, while supplies last **
Simple registration process


Service Reminder: If you buy later or have bought earlier an outbound service or arrangement from our company, and that service or arrangement and the outbound service or arrangement you plan to buy now relate to the same tour, please tell us by then or now accordingly so that we shall combine those services and/or arrangements into an outbound package and pay the levy, thus enabling you to be protected by the Travel Industry Compensation Fund.”

服務提醒: 如果您稍後或較早購買了本公司的出境服務或安排,且該服務或安排與您現在計劃購買的出境服務或安排屬於同一行程,請屆時或現在告知我們,以便我們應將這些服務和/或安排合併到出境套餐中並支付徵費,從而使您能夠受到旅遊業賠償基金的保護。”
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旅行社牌照號碼 : 354455
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